Slang For Love (42 Examples!)

When it comes to talking about love, we’ve all got our own way of saying it.

Some of us go old school with phrases like ‘smitten’ or ‘sweet on someone,’ while others might say they’re ‘crushing’ or ‘totally into’ someone.

Love’s a big deal, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun when we talk about it.

In this article, we’re going to check out all the different slang terms people use for love.

From the cute and quirky to the downright romantic, there’s a whole world of ways to say you’ve got that loving feeling.

So, let’s jump in and explore how we talk about love in the most human way possible – through our unique and creative expressions.

Let’s get started!

Slang For Love

Slang For Love


Aching For

Describes a deep, intense longing for someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “She was aching for his return.”


All Over

Used to describe someone who is very affectionate or openly in love with someone.

Example in a sentence: “He’s all over her every time they’re together.”



Showcasing feelings of love, especially in a romantic or passionate way.

Example in a sentence: “They exchanged amorous glances across the room.”



Having strong feelings of affection, often leading to a deep emotional connection.

Example in a sentence: “She’s really attached to her childhood sweetheart.”



Completely in love with someone, almost to the point of obsession.

Example in a sentence: “He’s absolutely besotted with his new girlfriend.”



Enchanted or spellbound by someone, often in a romantic sense.

Example in a sentence: “She was bewitched by his charming smile.”


Bitten By The Love Bug

A playful way to say someone has suddenly fallen in love.

Example in a sentence: “Looks like he’s been bitten by the love bug.”


Burning For

Experiencing intense desire or passion for someone.

Example in a sentence: “She was burning for his touch.”


Carried Away

Getting overly involved or lost in feelings of love and affection.

Example in a sentence: “They got carried away in the moment.”



Being deeply attracted to someone, often in a way that feels mesmerizing or enchanting.

Example in a sentence: “He was captivated by her beauty from the moment he saw her.”



Fascinated or enchanted by someone, often because of their charisma or allure.

Example in a sentence: “She was charmed by his witty conversation.”



Wholly absorbed or preoccupied with feelings of love or passion.

Example in a sentence: “He was consumed with love for her.”



The traditional act of wooing or seeking the affection of someone, often with the intention of marriage.

Example in a sentence: “Back in the day, courting was a serious affair.”



Yearning to possess or have someone, often used in a context of unrequited love.

Example in a sentence: “He was coveting a relationship with someone who barely knew he existed.”


Crazy About

Having intense feelings of affection and enthusiasm for someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “She’s just crazy about her new boyfriend.”



Having a temporary but intense infatuation with someone, often without them knowing.

Example in a sentence: “He’s been crushing on her since high school.”



Showing deep commitment and loyalty, often in a loving relationship.

Example in a sentence: “She’s devoted her life to her family.”


Dizzy For

Feeling disoriented or overwhelmed by strong feelings of love or attraction.

Example in a sentence: “He’s dizzy for her, can’t even think straight.”



Showing extreme affection or fondness, often in a way that is openly affectionate or caring.

Example in a sentence: “She’s always doting on her grandchildren.”


Dreaming Of

Having fond thoughts or aspirations about someone, often in a romantic sense.

Example in a sentence: “She spends her days dreaming of him.”



Filled with love and admiration, often in a way that is captivated or spellbound.

Example in a sentence: “He became completely enamored with her.”



Magically charmed or captivated by someone, often in a romantic sense.

Example in a sentence: “From their first dance, he was utterly enchanted by her.”


Falling For

Developing strong feelings of love or affection for someone.

Example in a sentence: “I think I’m falling for you.”


Fond Of

Having affection or liking for someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “She’s very fond of her childhood friend.”


Head Over Heels

Deeply in love, often in a way that is overwhelmingly passionate.

Example in a sentence: “He’s head over heels in love with her.”



Being captivated or deeply attracted to someone, often quickly or unexpectedly.

Example in a sentence: “She got hooked on his charm from the start.”



Experiencing an intense but often short-lived passion or admiration for someone.

Example in a sentence: “He was infatuated with her, but it didn’t last long.”



Interested in or having strong feelings towards someone.

Example in a sentence: “I’m really into you.”


Keen On

Having a strong interest or affection for someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “She’s been keen on him since they met.”



Experiencing physical or emotional symptoms due to intense feelings of love, especially unrequited love.

Example in a sentence: “He’s been lovesick since she left.”



Having a strong physical or sexual attraction to someone.

Example in a sentence: “He’s lusting after his new coworker.”


Mad About

Deeply in love or obsessed with someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “She’s mad about that pop star.”



So in love that it seems to affect one’s behavior or judgment, like being lost in a dream.

Example in a sentence: “Ever since they met, he’s been completely moonstruck.”



Longing deeply for someone, often with a sense of melancholy.

Example in a sentence: “She’s been pining for her high school sweetheart.”



Deeply affected or struck by strong feelings of attraction or love.

Example in a sentence: “He’s totally smitten with his new girlfriend.”


Sweet On

Having a soft spot or affectionate feelings for someone.

Example in a sentence: “He’s been sweet on her since they were kids.”



Being overwhelmed by admiration or infatuation, often to the point of feeling faint or giddy.

Example in a sentence: “She was swooning over every message he sent.”


Taken With

Attracted or charmed by someone, often suddenly or unexpectedly.

Example in a sentence: “She was taken with his wit and intelligence.”



Being excited or overcome with romantic feelings; giddy with love.

Example in a sentence: “Springtime makes me feel all twitterpated.”


Wild About

Having intense enthusiasm or passion for someone or something.

Example in a sentence: “He’s wild about his new puppy.”



Actively pursuing someone’s affection, often in a romantic and traditional manner.

Example in a sentence: “He spent months wooing her with letters and flowers.”



Feeling a deep longing or desire, especially for someone you love.

Example in a sentence: “There’s a yearning in his heart whenever he thinks of her.”


And there we have it – a journey through the playful and heartfelt world of love slang.

From the butterflies of a new crush to the deep bonds of long-lasting affection, these terms capture the many shades and stages of love.

Whether you’re smitten or simply fond of someone, it’s clear that love isn’t just a feeling – it’s a language of its own.

Each term we use is a testament to love’s power to inspire, uplift, and transform.

So, the next time you find yourself falling head over heels or just enjoying a moment of affection, remember the rich tapestry of words we have to express these universal experiences.

Love might be a complex emotion, but sometimes, it’s the simple slang terms that say it best.

  • Polly Webster

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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