What Language Did Noah Speak? (Explained!)

What Language Did Noah Speak?

Being a mythic figure, it is difficult even to speculate about the language that Noah spoke. Jewish tradition holds that there was a “proto language”, otherwise known as the “Adamic language”, which predated all known languages today, and Noah may have spoken this. Others hold … Read more

Is German Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content)

Is German Hard To Learn?

German is relatively difficult for an English speaker to learn, although certainly a great deal easier than many languages. It is closely related to English giving a considerable leg up to English speakers trying to learn it. The grammar is exceptionally complex, in a variety … Read more

Is Norwegian Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content!)

Is Norwegian hard to learn?

Norwegian is so similar to English that it makes it one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. Nevertheless, it is still a completely distinct language, and learning it takes time and patience. Relatively speaking, though, it is a lot easier than a … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Fiji? (Revealed!)

What Languages Are Spoken In Fiji?

Fiji has three official languages: English, Fijian and Fiji Hindi. Fijian is spoken by the majority of indigenous Fijians, who represent around 54% of the population. Rotuman is another indigenous language spoken in Fiji. You will also hear other foreign and immigrant langauges, such as … Read more

What Language Did Charlemagne Speak? (Helpful Content!)

What Language Did Charlemagne Speak

Charlemagne would have primarily spoken Frankish, a West Germanic language spoken from around the 5th to the 9th Century in Central Europe. This would have been his native language and the language he used on a day-to-day basis. There is also ample evidence that he … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Japan? (Answered!)

What languages are spoken in Japan?

Japanese is the most common language in Japan with around 99% of the population speaking it as their first language. The Rukyuan languages, also part of the same family, are spoken in Okinawa as well as in Kagoshima in the islands of Ryukyu. There are … Read more

Is French Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content)

Is French hard to learn?

As an English speaker, French is considered one of the easier languages to learn. Of course, learning any language is not easy, but French is certainly one of the easier languages for an English speaker to get a grip on. Relatively speaking, French is not … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Antwerp? (Find Out)

What Languages Are Spoken In Antwerp?

The most commonly spoken languages in Antwerp are Dutch, French, and German. The dialect of Dutch used in Antwerp is called Flemish, named after the region of Flanders in Belgium. English and other trade languages are also spoken throughout the city, especially by migrant groups. … Read more

Is Danish Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content!)

Is Danish Hard To Learn?

For English speakers, Danish is regarded as a relatively easy language to learn. It is very similar in many ways to English which gives you a considerable head start in learning it. However, languages are always challenging to learn, and learning Danish will take a … Read more