Slang For Cat (21 Examples!)

Cats, those mysterious and often sassy creatures that grace our homes, have inspired a whole dictionary’s worth of nicknames.

Whether you’re a proud cat owner or just enjoy watching cat videos online, you’ve probably come across some quirky terms for these feline friends.

From ‘furball’ to ‘mouser’ and everything in between, the world of cat slang is as diverse as the cats themselves.

In this article, we’re going to explore some of the most popular, funny, and endearing slang terms for cats.

So, curl up in your favorite spot (just like a cat would) and let’s dive into the playful language of cat lovers.

Let’s get started!

Slang For Cat

Slang For Cat


Alley Cat

A term for a stray or feral cat, often seen wandering in alleys and urban areas.

Example in a sentence: “That alley cat has been hanging around the neighborhood lately.”


Fat Cat

Used humorously for an overweight or particularly large cat, sometimes referring to cats that live a life of luxury.

Example in a sentence: “My aunt’s cat is such a fat cat, always lounging and eating.”



A playful term for cats, focusing on their furry appearance.

Example in a sentence: “My furball loves to curl up on the couch.”



Similar to ‘furball’, this term emphasizes the fluffy, soft nature of cats.

Example in a sentence: “Look at that little fuzzball chasing its tail!”


House Panther

A term often used for black cats, likening their sleek, dark fur to that of a panther.

Example in a sentence: “My house panther disappears into the shadows every night.”



A common and affectionate term for a cat.

Example in a sentence: “Come here, kitty, it’s time for dinner.”


Lap Leopard

Refers to domestic cats with wild, leopard-like markings or those that have a majestic presence.

Example in a sentence: “My lap leopard loves to sprawl out on the sofa.”


Mini Lion

For cats with a regal, lion-like demeanor, often used for larger breeds or those with a majestic mane of fur.

Example in a sentence: “He struts around like a mini lion ruling his domain.”



A British term for an ordinary, mixed-breed cat.

Example in a sentence: “Our moggy has the sweetest temperament.”



Refers to a cat known for catching mice, highlighting their natural hunting skills.

Example in a sentence: “We got a mouser to help control the mice in the barn.”


Night Prowler

Describes a cat that is active at night, often hunting or wandering.

Example in a sentence: “Our night prowler brings back ‘gifts’ from his adventures.”



A term endearingly used for cats who purr a lot, emphasizing this characteristic behavior.

Example in a sentence: “My purrball loves to cuddle and purr loudly.”



A traditional term for a cat, often used affectionately.

Example in a sentence: “Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?”


Puss Puss

An affectionate, repetitive form of ‘pussy’, used as a term of endearment for cats.

Example in a sentence: “Come here, puss puss, and get your treats.”



In cat breeding, a ‘queen’ is a term for a female cat, especially when she is kept for breeding purposes.

Example in a sentence: “Our queen just had a litter of kittens.”



Used to describe a timid or easily frightened cat, often extended metaphorically to people.

Example in a sentence: “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, it’s just a little spider.”



Refers to a cat with a distinctive coat pattern, featuring stripes, lines, swirls, or dots.

Example in a sentence: “Our tabby has beautiful markings.”



A term for a male cat, particularly one that is not neutered.

Example in a sentence: “That tom is always prowling around the neighborhood.”



An even more endearing, child-friendly term for the butt.

Example in a sentence: “The baby fell on her tushie.”


Velvet Paws

A term that highlights the softness and delicacy of a cat’s paws.

Example in a sentence: “Her velvet paws make no sound as she walks.”



While referring to the long, sensitive hairs on a cat’s face, ‘whiskers’ is sometimes used affectionately to refer to cats in general.

Example in a sentence: “Whiskers was curled up in the sunniest spot of the house.”


And that’s the end of our little stroll through the world of cat slang.

From the sleek ‘House Panther’ to the cuddly ‘Furball,’ it’s clear we have a lot of affection (and a bit of humor) for our feline friends.

These terms show just how much personality we see in our cats, and how they’ve become an integral part of our lives and homes.

Whether you’re a cat owner, admirer, or just someone who enjoys a good cat meme, these slang terms add a bit of fun to our interactions with these mysterious and charming creatures.

So next time you see a cat, whether it’s a ‘Moggy’ or a ‘Mini Lion,’ remember the rich language we’ve created to describe our purring pals.

  • Polly Webster

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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