Australian Slang For Cigarette (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Cigarette

The most common Australian slang term for cigarette is “dart”. This one is not really used outside Australia and is the most widely used term in Australia. People of all generations this is a stand in for the word cigarette. Other than that, common terms … Read more

Australian Slang For Chocolate (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Chocolate

The most common Australian slang term for chocolate is simply “choccy” or “chockie”. These are widely if not universally used and understood, and can be used for just about any kind of chocolate. Other terms you might hear are “choccy bickie,” “hocho”, “sweetmeat”, or even … Read more

Australian Slang For Wine (Revealed!)

Australian Slang For Wine

There are a handful of Australian slang terms for wine. The most common is “plonk”, meaning cheap wine—though this can also mean any cheap alcohol. Other than that, it’s likely to be called “chardy” or “champers”, and wine in a bag is called goon. There … Read more

Australian Slang For Barbecue (Answered!)

Australian Slang For Barbecue

The most common Australian slang word for barbecue is “barbie”. There are a handful of other terms that are occasionally used, such as “byo”, “’cue”, and “bbq”. These are definitely the most common slang terms for barbecue in Australia, though some are much more common … Read more

Australian Slang For Kangaroo (8 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Kangaroo

It’s probably not much of a surprise to anyone that Australians are world leaders in their lexicon of slang terms for kangaroo. They have a number of different slang terms describing different kangaroos, in terms of their sex, their maturity, their temperament, and a few … Read more

Australian Slang For Excited (9 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Excited

Australians have a certain reputation for having, if nothing else, a kind of great excitable energy and an extreme enthusiasm about many things. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a great many aspects of the language and slang being turned to describing that excitement in different … Read more

Australian Slang For Carpenter (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Carpenter

The most common Australian slang term for carpenter is “chippy”. This is universal in Australia and is used by just about everyone, or at the very least understood by everyone. “Carpitrician” is a less commonly used slang term denoting a carpenter who can also do … Read more

Australian Slang For Beer (12 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Beer

If there’s one pastime that is beloved across times and cultures, it’s having a cold beer on a sunny afternoon or a Friday night. Beer might be just about the oldest alcoholic beverage that humans have made, with evidence of beer production dating back tens … Read more

Australian Slang For Lazy (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Lazy

The Australian slang term for lazy is bludger. A bludger is a lazy person, someone who doesn’t like making effort or doing real work. Australians might also call a lazy person a “layabout” or a “couch potato”, in the same way that other countries use … Read more

Australian Slang For Plumber (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Plumber

Australians most commonly refer to a plumber as a “dunny diver”. This is used throughout Australia by all generations and is based on the other slang term “dunny” for toilet. There are some other slang terms used, such as “pipey,” “tradey” or even “Super Mario”. … Read more