14 Amazing Ways To Say Drunk In Ireland

Irish Slang For Drunk

You have to travel a fairly long way to find a country where there is no drinking culture whatsoever. Most countries like a drink to some extent, and Ireland is no exception. Drinking is a common pastime of many Irish people both young and old, … Read more

14 Irish Slang Words For Girls That May Surprise You!

Irish Slang For Girl

You’re probably familiar with at least one or two terms used in Irish slang to describe girls. You hear them in the movies and on TV. And while you’re probably right about the ones you’ve got in your head at the moment, there area actually … Read more

Irish Slang For Cool (Helpful Content!)

Irish Slang For Cool

The most common Irish slang terms for cool include things like “grand”, “boss” and “fab”. These are common in the English speaking world though certainly have a uniquely Irish character as well. Beyond these, you may hear any number of common slang terms for cool … Read more

Irish Slang For Boy (Helpful Content!)

Irish Slang For Boy

The most common Irish slang terms for boy are “fella” and “lad”. These can be used to describe a man or boy of any age and are by far the most commonly used. “Wain” is a term which can describe both boys and girls so … Read more

Irish Slang For Informant (Revealed!)

Irish Slang For Informant

Police informants are often a key focus of local slang. Naturally, criminal elements of society are far more likely to use slang as almost a form of code. Even if you are not outright criminal, you may well still feel it a moral imperative not … Read more

Irish Slang For Mother (Explained!)

Irish Slang For Mother

Our mother is very commonly the first person we learn to recognize. Not only that, but they then often go on to play one of the most important roles throughout our whole lives. This is as true in Ireland as it is anywhere else, so … Read more

Irish Slang For Beer (Helpful Content!)

Irish Slang For Beer

The most common Irish slang terms for beer include “gargle” and “juice”. These are both catch-all, universal terms for beer that can be used in any context. “Gat” is a specific slang term for Guiness, usually a “pint of gat”. Other more widely used slang … Read more

Irish Slang For Vomit (Helpful Content!)

Irish Slang For Vomit

The most common and uniquely Irish slang terms for vomit are “boke” or “gawk”. “Boke” is the more common and the one you’ll hear throughout Ireland. “Gawk” is a lot more regional and used primarily in County Cork, though it’s widely understood. Beyond that, the … Read more

Irish Slang For Yes (Revealed!)

Irish Slang For Yes

There are some words in our languages that are so fundamental in everyday use that we don’t even really think about them. Answering in the affirmative with the word “yes” is something that most of us probably do at least once a day, if we … Read more