Australian Slang For Swimsuit (10 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Swimsuit

Australia is an enormous country, but the vast majority of the population lives on and around the coasts. The nation boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and internationally it’s known for its vibrant “beach culture”. The beautiful weather and white sand … Read more

Irish Slang For Drunk (20 Examples!)

Irish slang for drunk

You have to travel a fairly long way to find a country where there is no drinking culture whatsoever. Most countries like a drink to some extent, and Ireland is no exception. Drinking is a common pastime of many Irish people both young and old, … Read more

British Slang For Face (Explained!)

British Slang For Face

The most common British slang for face is “mug”. This one is used and understood throughout most of Britain. Another common but less widely used term is “phiz” or “phizog”. Some others include “clock,” “kisser” or “dial”, though these are much less common. “Boat race” … Read more

British Slang For No (Helpful Content)

British Slang For No

There are several British slang terms which can go in place of “no”. Simple alterations of no, such as “nope” or “nah”, are most common. Common phrases for no such as “not on your life,” “not on your nellie,” or sometimes phrases like “you’re joking” … Read more

British Slang For Jail (14 Examples!)

British slang for jail

Britain has some of the oldest and most notorious prisons in the world. Its rich history involves a great many kings and other high and mighty folks imprisoning their political enemies and being imprisoned themselves. Out of such a long history of imprisoning and prisons, … Read more

British Slang For Poor (Explained!)

British Slang For Poor

The most widely used British slang words for poor are skint or strapped. These are ways of saying you or someone else has no money. There are other phrases such as “tightening your belt,” though this just implies a careful budgeting as opposed to outright … Read more

Australian Slang For Gas Station (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Gas Station

The humble gas station—something a lot of us might not pay that much attention to in general, but it serves us as a vital piece of infrastructure, and they’re found everywhere. They’re also rarely referred to in the same way by any two English-speaking nations. … Read more

British Slang For Hair (7 Examples!)

British Slang For Hair

Hair can be one of the single most distinguishing features a person can have. Whether they’ve got long, flowing locks, a fine buzzcut, an exotic style or a good old fashioned mullet, it’s one of the first things we look to when we’re trying to … Read more

British Slang For Sexy (Revealed!)

British slang for sexy

The most common British slang word for sexy is “fit”. This one is more or less universal in the country and the most widely known. Other terms are less common, such as “peng”, but you will still be understood for the most part when using … Read more

British Slang For Car (15 Examples!)

British Slang For Car

The way that cars dominate our lives even for those of us who don’t drive is hard to deny or ignore. They are everywhere, all the time, and we dedicate massive amounts of our public space to their use. Though they’ve existed for little more … Read more