What Does YSL Mean In Rap? (Answered!)

YSL usually stands for “young stoner life” in rap. This was specifically coined by Young Thug and is the name of his rap label, though it later came to mean “Young Slime Life”. The idea is simply that those at the record label are enjoying the “young stoner life”, making money off their music and living “the life”.

YSL has become, to some extent, a general slang term used in rap for a couple of meanings.

However, for the most part, it is exclusive to Young Thug’s label, and if only due to the importance of trademarks and brand recognition, not something other rappers are that likely to use.

Let’s find out more.

What Does YSL Mean In Rap?


What does YSL stand for in rap?

YSL stands for “young stoner life” in rap.

This may sound like a general slang term that any rapper could use, but it specifically relates to a single record label started by Young Thug.

The sense is certainly of the idea of the life that these rappers are living.

They are living the “young stoner life”, they are rapping and making lots of money off it, and being a “stoner” means someone who habitually smokes cannabis.

This is a common, though of course not remotely universal, element of rap culture.

Cannabis is and has been a huge part of it for a long time, so the idea of the “young stoner life” is both a reference to the cannabis and the money that their art brings in and allows them to live this life.

Later on, though, this slang term was changed to also mean “young slime life”.

“Slime” is another common rap slang term that essentially means “friend”.

It’s about a group and community of rappers and friends, and so again the idea of “young slime life” is about the life of these rappers, living in a community with one another and building things together.

The “X life” construction is also a very common thing in rap, such as the famous “thug life” slang term.

It just generally refers to staying a certain course, living a certain life, staying true to oneself, and recognizing your roots.

You live the “young stoner life” or the “young slime life” because this is an authentic and genuine life that reflects your true desires for how you want to live.

Indeed, this may even be in specific defiance of social norms, since cannabis, in particular, remains illegal in many parts of the U.S.


Where does YSL come from in rap?

The “Young Stoner Life” derives from Young Thug and his record label of the same name.

This label was first announced back in 2016 by Young Thug, and the co-founder Kevin Liles.

Many then went on to sign on to the label as I’ll get into later.

So, in many ways, the “Young Stoner Life” can be as much seen as a brand and a trademark, a form of marketing, as it is an actual part of Young Thug’s identity and personality.

It later came to also mean “slime life” when rappers like Slimelife expressed their allegiance with the label, though they were not actually signed on as artists.

It did of course retain its original meaning, though, and came to have a couple of slightly varied senses.

Since it was first used for the label, it has to an extent become a broader slang term used in the rap community.

However, given its trademarked nature, and the simple fact that other labels and rappers don’t necessarily want to promote another rapper and label, it’s not that common as a general slang term—it’s more often used in specific reference to this label.


What rappers are signed to YSL?

Several rappers have been signed to this label since it was first established.

Naturally Young Thug was the founder of the label, and so produced music for it himself.

Other notable signees included the rapper Gunner, who was signed in 2017.

He released 8 tracks under the label and continues to work with YSL.

Strick is another rapper who was signed to the label in 2017.

He has so far released four tracks under YSL’s label.

Yung Kayo, signed more recently in 2020, still works with the label but has produced only a single track for them so far.

Some former signees included Lil Baby, YoungBoy Never Broke Again, and the late Lil keed.


What else does YSL mean?

Sometimes, YSL may also stand for Yves Saint Laurent.

This is the name of an iconic French fashion designer and well known luxury brand often worn by many rappers.

Sometimes the abbreviation is used in reference to this brand and designer, as are so many different luxury brands reference in rap to point to a rapper’s wealth.

This is not very common and certainly less common since a trademark took the abbreviation for itself, but you certainly will still hear it from time to time.

That said, it should be fairly clear from context whether this is what is meant by it.


YSL is a fairly specific example of rap slang, then. It can have a few different meanings, but the overwhelming likelihood is that it relates to the Young Stoner Life record label of Young Thug.

It may also mean “young slime life”, though, and it could even mean “Yves Saint Laurent”.

Slang in rap can get more than a little confusing, but for the most part this one should be fairly straightforward.

From context you should be able to figure out if it means something other than “young stoner life”.


More in Rap Meanings

  • Polly

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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