Is Welsh Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content!)

Is Welsh Hard To Learn?

Welsh is a relatively tricky language for English speakers to learn. It’s in fact one of the oldest continuously spoken languages in Europe, and has a fairly tricky set of grammatical rules and pronunciations. However, it’s relatively easy to learn compared with many other languages, … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Brazil? (Find Out!)

What Languages Are Spoken In Brazil?

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Around 97% of the population speaks the language. Additionally, it is joined by Brazilian sign language as the primary dialect of the state. Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in South America, housing half of the continent’s population … Read more

What Language Did Harriet Tubman Speak? (Find Out!)

What Language Did Harriet Tubman Speak?

Harriet Tubman spoke English, as she was born into a slave family in America. She would have spoken English as a slave and when she later escaped. Slaves in America at this time were naturally taught English, and this would have been the language she … Read more

What Language Did George Washington Speak? (Revealed!)

What Language Did George Washington Speak?

George Washington was born in Virginia, USA in 1732 and died in 1799. He is best known for being one of the Founding Fathers and the first President of the United States of America. It can be asserted with absolute certainty that George Washington spoke … Read more

Is Croatian Hard To Learn? (Helpful Content!)

Is Croatian Hard To Learn?

Croatian is a very difficult language for English speakers to learn. It is categorized as one of the hardest languages to learn. It is very far removed from English in terms of its place in global language families, and features many difficult and tricky elements … Read more

What Language Did Abraham Speak? (Explained!)

What Language Did Abraham Speak?

We cannot say for certain, but he likely knew a couple of languages. His native language was most likely some antecedent of Hebrew, but he seems also to have known Aramaic. He could also have spoken Sumerian, Akkadian, or Elamite as his native language. The … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Bangladesh? (Revealed!)

What Languages Are Spoken In Bangladesh

The most common language in Bangladesh is Bengali, with over 98% of the country’s population speaking at least one of its dialects as their first language. Bengali is the only official language, although English is considered co-official because of its prominence in education, media, and … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Colombia? (Revealed!)

What Languages Are Spoken In Colombia?

More than 99.5% of people speak Spanish in Colombia. Since 1886, Spanish has been the official language, and indigenous languages were co-official until 1991. Whilst most Colombians speak Spanish, English has official status in parts of the country and various other Amerindian languages.  Colombia is … Read more

What Language Did The Vikings Speak? (Answered!)

What Language Did The Vikings Speak?

Vikings is the name given to a population of seafaring people originally from Scandinavia. They are most commonly known for raiding various settlements and communities during their time. Theit earliest recorded raid is from 793 AD, and they survived until 1066 AD when the Normans … Read more

What Language Did Jesus Speak? (Answered!)

What Language Did Jesus Speak?

Though it’s impossible to be completely certain, the scholarly consensus is that Jesus would have spoken Aramaic. He lived in Nazareth, in Judea, and the common language spoken in this area and these communities was Aramaic. Many argue that he likely knew other languages such … Read more

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