British Slang For Umbrella (Explained!)

British Slang For Umbrella

The British most commonly refer to an umbrella as a “brolly”. This is a universal slang term used across Britain to describe an umbrella, and is probably the only one today used by most of the population. Cockney rhyming slang may refer to umbrellas as … Read more

Australian Slang For Plumber (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Plumber

Australians most commonly refer to a plumber as a “dunny diver”. This is used throughout Australia by all generations and is based on the other slang term “dunny” for toilet. There are some other slang terms used, such as “pipey,” “tradey” or even “Super Mario”. … Read more

British Slang For Party (15 Examples!)

British Slang For Party

British people know how to party—few would argue that. British culture, for better or worse, has a good handle on having a good time, whether that’s a simple get-together, a big, blowout night on the town, or an all-nighter at a friend’s house. Given the … Read more

British Slang For Hungry (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Hungry

Eating is something every one of us talks about or at least thinks about every day. Of course, we all do it every day, so what I mean is that it’s something that constantly occupies our minds. With this said, it’s not very surprising that … Read more

British Slang For Work (Helpful Content!)

British Slang For Work

The most common British slang terms for work include words like “graft” and “hustle”. These are used very commonly by people of all ages and backgrounds and are likely to be more or less universally understood. Other terms you might hear used include “toil”, “drudge” … Read more

Australian Slang For Yes (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Yes

If Australians want to say yes, they will most likely say either the slightly confusing “yeah, nah, yeah”, or they will exclaim “bloody oath!” Beyond that, any slang that they have for yes are terms shared in the whole of the modern English speaking world, … Read more

British Slang For Nose (16 Examples!)

British Slang For Nose

On the face of it, your nose seems to have only a single function. It smells things. While this may be broadly true, smelling things serves a great many functions in your body, more than simply being able to identify smells. Beyond that, metaphorically speaking, … Read more

Australian Slang For Man (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Man

Australian slang includes some of the most well-known colloquialisms in the English-speaking world. They have some of the most elaborate, and some of the simplest, slang of any of us. One of the most basic parts of any slang is words to address a man—so … Read more

British Slang For Cold (8 Examples!)

British Slang For Cold

If there’s one thing Britain is famous for it’s the terrible weather, and one thing British people are famous for, it’s complaining about it. When something is talked about so habitually, it becomes inevitable that a varied lexicon of slang terms arises to meet the … Read more

British Slang For Goodbye (16 Examples!)

British Slang For Goodbye

A friendly farewell is just as important to a pleasant interaction as a greeting. We can sometimes struggle with how to say goodbye in a way that feels natural and unforced. In Britain, slang has adapted to meet this need, coming up with many friendly … Read more