British Slang For Jerk (19 Examples!)

British Slang For Jerk

The British are not really one for calling people jerks. That said, they have an incredibly varied and colorful set of slang terms to describe people they don’t like, people who are being obnoxious, and generally unpleasant or belligerent people. From the mildest and tame … Read more

British Slang For Husband (Explained!)

British Slang For Husband

The most common British slang words for husband are common terms like “hubby”, “hubs” or “other half”. There are a few other terms you’ll hear in certain local dialects, such as “pot and pan” being Cockney rhyming slang for husband, or old man. Old man … Read more

British Slang For Tea (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Tea

The British are internationally renowned tea drinkers. Most of them can’t get by without it, and the nation seems to run on it. With that in mind, it’s unsurprising that across all parts of Britain, there is a huge variety of slang terms for cups … Read more

British Slang For Thief (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Thief

Thieves, as far as we can tell, have been around as long as people have. If someone has called something theirs, there has been someone around who wanted to take it without their permission. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a lot of colorful language being … Read more

American Slang For Drunk (Helpful Content!)

American Slang For Drunk

The most common American slang term for drunk is “wasted”. This is used just about everywhere to mean very drunk. Other slang terms include “clobbered”, “plowed”, and sometimes “adrip” in common, everyday speech. “Souped-up” is US Navy slang for drunk, and you may sometimes hear … Read more

British Slang For Walking (Helpful Content!)

British Slang For Walking

The most common British slang terms for walking include common terms like “stroll” or “strut”. In more specific circumstances you may hear terms like “swagger” or “saunter”. When it comes to walking as an activity, you might hear the term “rambling” widely used. “Plodding” is … Read more

Australian Slang For Thank You (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Thank You

The most common Australian slang term for thank you is “cheers”. This is universally used and understood more commonly than any other. You do also have the term “ta”, another virtually universal way to say thank you in Australia. Other than that, you have the … Read more

South African Slang For Boy (Helpful Content!)

South African Slang For Boy

In South Africa, a boy is most often referred to as “ou” or “oke”, while other slang terms such as “boykie” are often used in a more specific sense. You may also hear kerel meaning “boyfriend”. Beyond that, generic terms such as “guy,” “bro”, “dude” … Read more

Australian Slang For Clothes (23 Examples!)

Australian slang for clothes

The language you use and the clothes you wear are two of the most immediately obvious and recognizable things about your identity. Those two things can very often meet somewhere in the middle, then, and thus arises tons of different slang terms for different items … Read more

British Slang For Knife (Explained!)

British Slang For Knife

The most common British slang terms for knife are “shiv” or sometimes “chiv” or “chive”. “Shank” is also used. Knives are also sometimes referred to as “chings”. Particular kinds of knife are sometimes colloquially referred to as “Stanleys”. “Drum and fife” is popular Cockney rhyming … Read more