7 Ways To Say Cool In South Africa That You Need To Know

South African Slang For Cool

South Africa is a country rich in linguistic diversity, and that means there’s no shortage of ways to say something is cool. One of the most widely used slang terms is “kief” which has been around for generations. That’s just the start. You’ll also hear … Read more

10 Unique Ways South Africans Refer To A Boy

South African Slang For Boy

In South Africa, a boy is most often referred to as “ou” or “oke”, while other slang terms such as “boykie” are often used in a more specific sense. You may also hear kerel meaning “boyfriend”. Beyond that, generic terms such as “guy,” “bro”, “dude” … Read more

7 Ways To Say Girl In South Africa

South African Slang For Girl

Some of the richest, most varied and most diverse slang in any language tends to be about simple, everyday things that we are constantly talking about. Naturally, one of these things tends to be girls, and so you end up with a great many different … Read more