Australian Slang For Sandwich (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Sandwich

The most common Australian slang word for sandwich is sanger. This word refers exclusively to sandwiches. You do hear other terms, such as sarnie, used in Australia, to a lesser extent. The slang phrase “cut lunch” typically also refers to a sandwich, though it can … Read more

Australian Slang For Americans (Explained!)

Australian Slang For American

The main slang term for Americans in Australia is “seppo”. This is a slightly teasing slang term that Australians use for any American. However, they do also use other terms, such as the more common “yanks” or some borrowed slang terms such as “septic”. But … Read more

Australian Slang For Afternoon (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Afternoon

Australians refer to the afternoon colloquially as the ‘arvo’ or ‘s’arvo’. This is simply a shortening and rearranging of the word afternoon, as well as a consonant change—switching F to V. So, an Australian might say “I’ll see you this arvo” to mean I’ll see … Read more

Australian Slang For Crocodile (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Crocodile

The most common slang term for crocodile in Australia is simply “croc”. This is the one that is universally used and understood, thanks to its simplicity! There are a handful of other terms that are sometimes used, though, such as “flat dog,” “freshie”, “saltie” and … Read more

Australian Slang For Breakfast (Explained!)

Australian Slang For Breakfast

In Australian slang, breakfast is most commonly “brekkie,” “brekky,” or “breakie.” Any one of these three spellings may be used. This is the most widely used and is heard and understood throughout Australia. Other slang terms used for breakfast might include “googie” for eggs, and … Read more

Australian Slang For Redneck (11 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Redneck

Australia is a country with an almost unimaginably large “countryside.” Endless deserts and tropical regions populate every part of the country, and though these fringes are largely uninhabited, there is naturally a very large rural population. In the U.S., these are called rednecks—but how are … Read more

Australian Slang For Dad (Revealed!)

Australian Slang For Dad

The most common and uniquely Australian slang terms for dad are “ol’ man” and “oldies,” which can refer to both parents as well. These are used more or less universally across the country and are understood by just about everyone. Australians also use many generic … Read more

Australian Slang For Girl (8 Examples!)

Australian Slang For Girl

Slang terms for women and girls are, for one reason or another, often far more numerous than slang terms for men. Over the decades and the centuries, separate English-speaking nations have come up with dozens of different slang terms for women, some less respectful than … Read more

Australian Slang For Ambulance (Revealed!)

Australian Slang For Ambulance

The most common Australian slang term for ambulance is “ambo”. This one is widely used across the country by people of all ages and generations. This term can be used both for ambulances and for the paramedics that travel in them. An older term which … Read more

Australian Slang For Hello (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Hello

The most common Australian slang greeting is the famous “g’day” or “g’day mate”. This one is used throughout the country and by all age groups. Other than this, Australians will employ all kinds of generic English greetings, like “hey,” “hi” or even “howdy”. Younger Australians … Read more