British Slang For Relax (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Relax

Whether deserved or not, the British have something of a reputation for being a bit uptight. Broadly, of course, they’re really no more relaxed and no more uptight than any average population. With that said, they do have more than a few slang terms for … Read more

British Slang For Boss (Helpful Content!)

British Slang For Boss

British slang words for boss include “gaffer and “guvnor”, and these are the most commonly used slang terms that are specifically British. Other terms might include things like “skipper” or “head honcho”, though these are not used as commonly. A British person is most likely … Read more

British Slang For Nonsense (Bollocks!)

British Slang For Nonsense

The British are universally known as a no-nonsense kind of people. They don’t mess around and they don’t deal with nonsense or look on it kindly. That said, perhaps for this very reason, they have developed a wide lexicon of slang terms that mean nonsense, … Read more

British Slang For Wonderful (12 Examples!)

There are some simple expressions that inevitably grow and grow over the centuries to become expressible in countless different ways. To call something “wonderful”, or some equivalent term, is something that most of us probably find ourselves doing all the time, and the British are … Read more

British Slang For Telephone (8 Examples!)

British Slang For Telephone

Phones are something which all now use more than ever. Every single day we have phones on us constantly, and even for more than a century now, phones have been one of the main ways people have communicated with one another across distances. Unsurprisingly, then, … Read more

British Slang For Silly (10 Examples!)

British Slang For Silly

There are a great many ways to say that someone is silly in the English language. British slang is incredibly rich and varied, and has over the centuries developed multiple slang terms for just about anything. One notion that always tends to attract a lot … Read more

British Slang For Loser (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Loser

British slang tends to be pretty robust in just about any area, and so that naturally includes insults, too. There are quite a few different ways to call someone a loser in British slang, some of these terms being a good deal less friendly than … Read more

British Slang For Coffee (Explained!)

British Slang For Coffee

The most likely slang term the British will use for coffee is either “brew” or “cuppa”. These usually refer to tea but tend to be interchangeable with just about any hot drink, at least one made at home. American slang terms like “joe” may sometimes … Read more

British Slang For Dog (Explained!)

British Slang For Dog

The British use common slang terms for dogs such as pooch or mutt. These are among the only slang terms for dog used throughout Britain. Other more regionally specific terms exist, like the Cockney rhyming slang “Cherry Hogg”. More recent terms like “doggo” are also … Read more

British Slang For Hello (11 Examples!)

British Slang For Hello

Depending on whom you ask, you might get a very different answer to the question “Are the British a friendly people?” I would say that by and large they are as friendly as any other nation! But one of the clearest metrics we have, if … Read more