British Slang For Telephone (8 Examples!)

British Slang For Telephone

Phones are something which all now use more than ever. Every single day we have phones on us constantly, and even for more than a century now, phones have been one of the main ways people have communicated with one another across distances. Unsurprisingly, then, … Read more

Australian Slang For Chocolate (Helpful Content!)

Australian Slang For Chocolate

The most common Australian slang term for chocolate is simply “choccy” or “chockie”. These are widely if not universally used and understood, and can be used for just about any kind of chocolate. Other terms you might hear are “choccy bickie,” “hocho”, “sweetmeat”, or even … Read more

British Slang For Silly (10 Examples!)

British Slang For Silly

There are a great many ways to say that someone is silly in the English language. British slang is incredibly rich and varied, and has over the centuries developed multiple slang terms for just about anything. One notion that always tends to attract a lot … Read more

British Slang For Loser (12 Examples!)

British Slang For Loser

British slang tends to be pretty robust in just about any area, and so that naturally includes insults, too. There are quite a few different ways to call someone a loser in British slang, some of these terms being a good deal less friendly than … Read more

New Zealand Slang For Angry (Helpful Content!)

New Zealand Slang For Angry

The most common New Zealand slang expression meaning angry is “pissed” or “pissed off”. This is the most common term for being angry and is used in all kinds of contexts by more or less all people in New Zealand. Other slang terms for certain … Read more

Spanish Slang For Brother (Revealed!)

Spanish Slang For Brother

In Spanish slang, “brother” is carnal. This is mostly used to refer to your actual, biological brothers, although it can also be used in the closest of friendships. Hermano can also be a slang term in this sense, as it is used in a non-standard … Read more

British Slang For Coffee (Explained!)

British Slang For Coffee

The most likely slang term the British will use for coffee is either “brew” or “cuppa”. These usually refer to tea but tend to be interchangeable with just about any hot drink, at least one made at home. American slang terms like “joe” may sometimes … Read more

British Slang For Dog (Explained!)

British Slang For Dog

The British use common slang terms for dogs such as pooch or mutt. These are among the only slang terms for dog used throughout Britain. Other more regionally specific terms exist, like the Cockney rhyming slang “Cherry Hogg”. More recent terms like “doggo” are also … Read more

American Slang For Toilet (Explained!)

American slang for toilet

American slang terms for toilet include things like “the can”, “the john”, and more polite euphemisms like “restroom” or “washroom”. In some cases it may be referred to as the “water closet”. Other terms which are used but are less common in the States than … Read more

American Slang For Cigarette (Helpful Content!)

American Slang For Cigarette

The most common American slang terms for cigarette are “smoke” or “butt”. A cigaratte is also sometimes called a “stoge” in American slang. In rarer cases, a cigarette may also be referred to as a “cowboy killer”. Other general terms for cigarette may include a … Read more