What Does A Blue Heart Mean In Texting? (Answered!)

A blue heart can be used to express a variety of things. It can represent compassion and support, care, love, and happiness. In other words, it can express all the things any other color of love heart can. It is also supposedly used as the “unofficial friend zone emoji”.

The blue heart has indeed taken on a great many specific meanings of its own, then.

That said, it is still widely used with no deeper intent than simply using a love heart emoji.

Some people choose different colors for purely aesthetic reasons.

Let’s find out more.

What Does A Blue Heart Mean In Texting?

What does a blue heart mean in texting?

A blue heart can mean any number of things in texting.

To start with the basics, before you get ahead of yourself, it might not “mean” anything at all, as such.

How each individual person uses emojis varies a lot, and so you might simply be texting someone who likes to use the blue heart for no special reason.

Consider that possibility first!

With its more specific meanings, though, it is often used as a more particular expression of support.

Say, for example, someone is going through an illness or injury and is in hospital.

Sending someone blue hearts with a message of support is a way of expressing that you support them and hope they get well soon.

Beyond that, the blue heart has come to take on a specific meaning for some people.

That is that when you send someone blue hearts with your messages, you are expressing the deepness of your friendship.

However, the point is that it is a friendship and not a romantic relationship.

This is why it is called the “friend zone emoji”.

Some feel it’s a way of telling someone that they should stop thinking of you in a romantic way.

Again, though, how it’s used depends heavily on the person, so make sure to think about the person you’re talking to.

To most people, it’s just a harmless emoji, expressing love and support, whether that love is romantic or platonic.

If you’re wife or husband of many years sends you a blue heart, it doesn’t mean they’re ending the relationship!

Where does this association come from, then?


Why does a blue heart mean the friend zone?

No one is really completely sure when this blue heart came to mean that someone was in the “friend zone”.

As I say, it’s far from universally accepted that this is what it means.

Most claim that the reason it has taken on this special meaning is simply that it is seen as the opposite of the more traditional red heart emoji.

The red heart is a purer expression of love, and of romantic love, for many people.

Thus, the blue heart, colder and without the strong, passionate associations of the color red, is used to mean that the person you’re talking to does not have that kind of relationship with you.

Again, though, there’s no guarantee this is what it means.

It’s not like someone is explicitly telling you, if they use this emoji, that they aren’t interested in you.

It can be an expression of platonic love aside from that.

What does it mean, then, if someone sends you one?


What does it mean if someone sends you a blue heart?

Again, it can mean anything, depending on the context.

As I said, many internet slang experts would have you believe it’s a subtle message that you should end any attempts to take a friendship to a romantic place.

While you always want to tread that line carefully, there’s not much sense in reading anything into a simple emoji.

There’s no one, standard, absolute meaning for the blue heart being sent to you.

There’s unfortunately rarely a short cut to understanding these kinds of things about a person.

You’ll just have to speak to them and get to know them better!


How do you respond to a blue heart?

Again, it really depends. In most cases, you might not need to respond at all.

It might just be that the heart went well at the end of the message and the person wanted to add extra emotion to the message.

They can sometimes seem a bit flat without it.

The simple answer is you can send them a few blue hearts right back, but again, it’s too heavily context dependent to give you a fool proof formula on how to respond.


What else does a blue heart mean?

There are a couple of other particular associations the blue heart has, particularly on social media.

It’s used in autism awareness campaigning, added to posts on social media which are trying to bring about awareness to the issue.

Because it’s used in this setting, it has also come to mean a specific kind of love and support.

This is very commonly something people will send to each other if one of them is in hospital or suffering medically.

Again, though, it can just be a pretty emoji!


So, it’s worth treading lightly when trying to interpret a blue heart.

It could mean a variety of things, or it could really not mean very much at all.

It could be your friend’s gentle way of telling you they see you as a platonic, and not romantic, friend.

It could be a simple expression of love and support. It could be about any number of causes which employ this specific emoji.

It’s really very heavily context dependent!


More in Texting Meanings


  • Polly Webster

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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