What Does TT Mean In Texting? (Revealed!)

TT most commonly is used to represents a crying face. The tops of the two Ts are the eyes, and the lines coming down are the tears streaming down the face. It’s an emoji used to express sadness, whether sincere or jokey. It can also mean some other things, such as “till tomorrow” or even “transformation Tuesday”. 

In all likelihood, if someone texts you TT, then it’s probably meant to be a crying face.

If there is another meaning to be gleaned, it should be fairly clear from context as its literal, initialism meanings are quite limited.

Let’s find out more.

What Does TT Mean In Texting?

What does TT stand for in texting?

TT is almost always used to represent a crying face in texting.

Texting is a medium that, for many people, really demands these kinds of emojis to properly get across the emotion they were trying to convey.

Texting can feel impersonal without any emojis, to some people.

But of course we all see plenty of emojis that we universally recognize being used in texting, so why this rare one?

Well, as I said, it is meant to be a crying face.

Two eyes pouring tears down a face.

Some people just like to get a bit more experimental with their emoji faces.

The standard crying emoji, usually typed out as “:’(“, just doesn’t cut it for some people.

It’s perhaps easier to see it as a face at first, but you might argue TT looks truer to life than the other one does.

So, in all likelihood, TT in texting is an emoji face. “I didn’t get to see the movie today TT” for example.

It is sometimes also spelled as “TvT”.


Related Post: What Does TvT Mean In Texting? (Answered!)


It’s perhaps not the most serious of emoji faces. If someone sends you this, they are likely not really crying.

They’re just trying to express disappointment in something.

If it was a really serious situation, you would probably not use this emoji.

There are other things that it can mean, but I’ll get into that later.

Let’s first try to find the origin of this term.


Where does TT come from in texting?

It’s not exactly clear when this particular emoji face started being used.

However, we can see that it was being used on the internet by the late 90s and early 2000s, so it seems a good bet that it has been in use since around the earliest days of texting.

When mobile phones were first available, text messaging was a much more tedious process than it is today.

Without QWERTY keyboards, typing on an alphanumeric keyboard, everything took a lot longer to say.

Texting tended to be shorter messages, then, and it was much easier to express emotion using a couple of characters rather than typing out your feelings.

Emoji faces like this were a very natural development of texting, then, and they also quickly spread tt the internet where they became even further entrenched into the cultural lingo.

What does TT mean today, on social media, then?


What does TT mean on social media?

Generally, TT still means a crying emoji face on social media today.

In most cases, it should be quite clear from context what the meaning is supposed to be.

Emoji faces, for example, tend to come at the end of a message or a post on social media.

At the very least, they will come at a break in the sentence. “I can’t believe this TT I’m so sad!” for example.

It seems like a run-on sentence but the emoji almost acts like a comma.

Alternatively, it will just come at the end of the sentence. “I can’t believe this TT” for example.

But this isn’t its only meaning, and when used on social media in particular, there are a few other things that TT might mean.

Let’s find out.


What else does TT mean?

There are a couple of other actual abbreviations that TT can be used for, instead of as a crying emoji.

Probably the more common of those is taking it to mean “till tomorrow”.

It’s a shorthand way of saying that something is going to be happening until the next day.

“Just arrived at my hotel, I’m here TT!” for example.

It is useful for those posting updates on their traveling, such as touring musicians for example.

This isn’t a particularly widely understood meaning, but it is used nonetheless.

Again, you should be able to see from context what this means in most cases.

Other than that, it can also mean “transformation Tuesday”.

There are many different weekly events tied to certain days of the week on social media, such as “throwback Thursday” or “transformation Tuesday”.

Here, users are encouraged to post photos of themselves after undergoing some kind of transformation.

It could also be a more spiritual sense of transformation, so you could just post an update about something that’s happened in your life.

This was popularized on Twitter via hashtags, where users can signal boost their tweets, and make transformation Tuesday a weekly event. “Let’s see everyone’s photos for #TT!” for example.

While there are some other things that TT can mean, then, the most likely answer is that it means a crying face.

The two letters are used to pictorially represent a crying face, just like any other emoji.

Though these had gone out of fashion as glossy, pre-made emojis are now standard on all devices, but nostalgia has brought many of them back—including TT.


More in Texting Meanings

  • Polly Webster

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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