What Does ONG Mean In Texting? (Answered!)

ONG stands for “on god” in texting. It’s a way of indicating strong emphasis on something you’ve said or indicating strongly that you agree with something. It might be used in very serious contexts or in more trivial ones. Either way, it’s used as strong emphasis or agreement.

“On god” is a very common expression used in certain English vernaculars, particularly in the United States.

It has made its way into texting in this abbreviated form but it essentially means the same thing.

On rare occasions, it could have other, different meanings, but is by far more likely just to mean “on god”.

Let’s find out more.

What Does ONG Mean In Texting?


What does ong stand for in texting?

ONG stands for “on god” in texting.

This is a common expression used as a form of emphasis, or as a way of indicating agreement.

There are many different contexts and senses in which it might be used though they can certainly all be grouped under this broad umbrella.

Imagine it as a kind of invocation of “God” in an abstract sense, in a similar way to “oh my god”–though not precisely the same.

It would typically come at the beginning or end of a clause or sentence if used as emphasis. “ONG I swear I never did what they’re saying I did,” for example.

On the other hand, it might be used in a more frivolous context. “If you touch that remote again, I’ll fight you!” for example.

It doesn’t have to be all that serious.

The other main way it is used is as a kind of feedback in response to something, as a quick way of saying you agree but also in an emphatic way.

You don’t just agree, you agree completely and couldn’t have put it better yourself.

“He is the best player in the league by a mile!”

“ONG he absolutely is,” for example.

We’ll get to illuminating the origins of this particular phrase shortly, but if you’ve never heard it before and are still a bit unsure, think about a similar phrase like “I swear to god”.

By saying “on god” you are invoking God, and thus risking metaphorical wrath if you are lying, to drive home just how sure you are of what you’re saying.

You are willing to stand before “god”–whether or not you believe in such a being–and say what you’ve just said to the person you’re talking to.

Where, then, does this come from?

Where does ong come from in texting?

As far as we can tell, “on god” has been a phrase used in certain English speaking vernaculars for some time.

It’s hard to say with any precision, but in terms of texting, we can see that “ong” was being used at least by the early 2000s and probably sooner.

It can seem like a more modern phrase as it’s become a lot more popular in the past few years, but it’s quite old.

Abbreviations like this were extremely common in the early days of texting when the vast majority of mobile phones came with tedious alphanumeric keyboards instead of the convenient QWERTY ones we have today.

Phrases that could be easily shortened down, and which carried a lot of inherent meaning, like “ong” were quickly swallowed up by the medium.

In terms of the origin of the phrase itself, it’s very hard to say.

Some say that it has been an African-American slang phrase used for decades and decades, and this is the most likely origin of the texting slang.

Today, though, it’s much more broadly used by the younger generations though its meaning is still largely the same as it ever was.

What does it mean on social media?


What does ong mean on social media?

On social media, “ong” usually has the same meaning that it does in texting.

It stands for “on god” and is a way of adding emphasis or of emphatically telling someone you agree with what they’re saying.

Indeed, social media appears to be where it has been so broadly popularized as it’s become a very useful shorthand for this kind of emphatic agreement.

Very often, people even add extra emphasis to the phrase by adding many extra letters to the end: “Ongggg” for example.

It means the same thing and is just added emphasis.

Can the phrase have any other meanings?


What else does ong mean?

In rarer cases, “ong” can have a couple of other meanings.

One thing that many people often mistake the actual phrase for is a misspelling of “omg,” meaning “oh my god”. It’s unlikely, but this could indeed be what it is–the two letters are, after all, right next to each other on the keyboard.

So, it’s not impossible this is what is going on.

One other meaning the abbreviation can have, though very, very rarely, is “oh no girlfriend”.

Some claim to have used this abbreviation very commonly in the past, for example if you wanted to admonish your girlfriend for doing something.

From context, though, it should be fairly clear whether or not this is the intended meaning.

 “On god” has become a much more widespread phrase today thanks to texting and social media, but the fact remains that it is far from a universally used English expression.

It can still trip a lot of people up today, especially as an abbreviation that looks so similar to the universal “omg”.

Rest assured, though, that “ong” is simply an expression of emphasis and agreement.


More in Texting Meanings

  • Polly Webster

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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