British Slang For Stomach (Explained!)

The most common British slang terms for stomach are “belly” or “tummy”. These are universal and by far the most common. “Tumtum” is sometimes used though mainly by children. Other British slang terms for stomach include “breadbasket” and the Cockney “Derby Kelly”.

The stomach is perhaps the one internal organ that we are most aware of. It gurgles when it’s empty, and it can be very uncomfortable when it’s full.

Keeping our belly happy is one of the main tasks of everyday body maintenance, so it’s not surprising that many terms arise to describe it.

Let’s find out more.

British Slang For Stomach


What do the British call the stomach?

The British most commonly use terms like “belly” and “tummy” to refer to the stomach.

These are widely used, universally understood, and do not necessarily carry any connotations in themselves.

That said, some may consider the word “belly” to describe specifically a large stomach, such as the phrase “beer belly” which refers to a gut that has grown large from too much beer.

So, be a bit careful with using these terms about other people! “I’ve got a full belly after that meal,” for example.

“Tummy” is quite common and doesn’t really carry any of these connotations, although it’s also often considered quite childish.

That said, many adults do indeed use it, and you will not be looked at strangely if you do.

“Tumtum” of course is extremely childish and not really used by adults unless meant in a jocular, non-earnest way.

“I can’t eat chocolate, it gives me a tummy ache,” for example.

Virtually any slang phrase that features a double letter and “ee” sound at the end is going to be considered childish by some.

“Breadbasket” is another slang term for stomach in Britain although it is not as widely used as the others we’ve mentioned so far.

The idea is simply that your stomach is a “basket” into which you deposit bread, or anything you eat.

This is far from universal, so you may be met with confused stares if you use this one–it can also imply someone who eats too much, so again be careful with how you use it.

“Derby Kelly” is a commonly known piece of Cockney rhyming slang, but it is of course not used outside of the East End of London.

These are all of the commonly used British slang terms for stomach–now let’s look at where they all come from.


Why do the British say belly?

Belly is a very old word, though its meaning has changed a lot over the centuries.

Originally, it was a broad Germanic word which referred to a leather pouch or bag.

It could be found in most Germanic languages of the early Middle Ages, and even the Old English forms of it were varied: belg was the most common, but in West Saxon it was bylig and there were yet more variations elsewhere in the country.

By the 13th Century, it had come to have the sense of the stomach and particularly in the sense of gluttony and greed.

By the next century, it had more or less taken on its meaning of the stomach of a human or an animal, though it would continue to change morphologically over the centuries.


Why do the British say tummy?

Tummy is a much more recent word, first attested in 1867. It was at first., and has been ever since as mentioned, associated with children.

Most etymologists believe the word arose out of how children would pronounce the word “stomach”.

Many words are formed this way and, over time, make their way into what is considered a more standard, if still infantile, lexicon.

So, the word itself may well have been in use long before the 19th Century.

It’s simply that it wasn’t written down, or used at all by adults, until this period.


What else do the British say breadbasket?

Breadbasket is not as common today but it’s nonetheless a very old slang term for stomach.

Obviously, long before that, it was simply an entirely literal term referring to a basket that would hold bread.

The first time it is attested in this slang sense is from 1753, and at that time seems to have arisen out of the boxing scene, or pugilism as it was then known.

It’s thought that the phrase simply arose out of the idea that your stomach was the “basket” into which you put all your “bread” or food.

Other than that, the origin is lost.


Why do the British say Derby Kelly?

Derby Kelly is an example of Cockney rhyming slang, though many would consider it to be an old phrase that’s not used all that much today.

In any case, Cockney rhyming slang works simply by taking a word that rhymes with the word you actually want to say.

Thus, “belly” rhymes with “Derby Kelly”.

It’s been in use since at least the beginning of the 20th Century, and it seems that the name comes from an Irish ballad that was popular in the 19th Century.

The ballad describes three generations of military drummers named Derby Kelly, though there is no more logic to the name than the fact that it rhymes!

 So, the most common British slang terms for stomach are largely those ones that are more or less universal to the English speaking world.

Tummy and belly will get you by just fine, but if you hear some rogue ones like “Derby Kelly” or “breadbasket” then you’re well equipped to understand what they mean.


More in British Slang

  • Polly

    Founder - @PollyWebster

    Polly Webster is the founder of Foreign Lingo and a seasoned traveler with a decade of exploration under her belt.

    Over the past 10 years, she has journeyed to numerous countries around the globe, immersing herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and languages.

    Drawing from her rich experiences, Polly now writes insightful articles about travel, languages, traditions, and cultures, sharing her unique perspectives and invaluable tips with her readers.

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